Please inform us of any issues or concerns about your order within 48 hours of delivery by emailing We may request photos of the packaging and the item, as well as your order number and delivery postcode. Alternatively, you can use our Contact Us page.
As a small business, and to keep costs down for all our customers, we ask that, if you wish to return one of our items, you organise and pay for the return yourself.
We don't offer a free returns service. We recommend using online courier compare sites to get the best quote for returns, collection services are also available on these sites.
As long as your mattress packaging is unopened, the mattress is unused, and it hasn’t been slept on you can return your mattress to us within 30 days of it being delivered.
We do not accept returns if the packaging has been opened.
If your mattress is unopened and remains in its original packaging you can return it to us.
All Other Furniture, Shelves & Mantels, and Accessories
You can return your order to us in its original packaging, and original condition within 30 days of the item being delivered.
Please note that we cannot accept returns on items that have been altered.
How Do I Send A Product Back?
If you would like to return an item please contact Customer Services before sending the item back.
They will be able to advise you on your return and provide you with a Returns Reference Number that you must quote on your return in order for us to process it. We cannot process returns effectively without this Returns Reference Number.
As a small business we do not offer a free returns service. If you choose to return one of our items you need to organise, and pay for, the return. We would recommend using an online courier comparison site to get the best quotes for returns. Collection services are also available on these sites.
When Will I Get My Refund?
You must contact customer services before returning an item, as they will give you a Returns Reference Number for your return. We require this information on your returned item to enable us to process your refund.
Once the return has reached our workshop, please allow up to 5 working days for returns and refunds to be processed, we will notify you by email once your refund has been provided.